Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Churches of all sizes seek to grow their membership. Churches strive to grow because of the Great Commission.
“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20
Churches are looking for new strategies to increase attendance and, ultimately, their influence.
Church Growth Strategy
Hopefully, your church has written church goals.
Churches want to reach more people, which is an outcome of growth.
Growth doesn’t happen accidentally but requires a vision, thought, and strategy.
Successful churches are those that follow a God-given vision and mission, define the steps to get there, and implement their strategic plan.
Identify Your Unique Qualities
The beauty of the body of Christ is that God uses everyone in a slightly different way, and God uses the unique qualities that each church possesses to create a beautiful tapestry of churches.
Church growth is not about competing with the ministry down the street but more about developing the people God has planted in the local church so that they can be used by God with their unique gifts.
I believe people are called to churches for a specific purpose.
We are all on a journey, and the church helps us develop as Christians and supports our unique calling.
In his book, Purpose Driven Church, Rick Warren says, “….since the church is a living organism, it is natural for it to grow if it is healthy…If a church is not growing it is dying...” This can be a scary concept for a small local church.
Growth comes with many challenges, but the exciting thing is that with God, ALL things are possible, and He gives wisdom freely!
Some churches don’t grow simply because the leadership gets comfortable with the status quo and doesn’t do anything to change it. Sometimes, churches merge to consolidate resources.
This may be okay – but it may not be.
Could it be that there are people who could benefit from a particular church body that is stagnant?
8 Keys to Church Growth
1. Know Where the Church is Going
There is an old saying: if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
This is true in business as well as churches.
A well-defined vision, mission, and values statement set the direction for any organization, and achieving a vision requires developing a strategic plan to map out the steps to get there.
People are drawn to compelling missions and visions and get excited about being part of an organization that makes a difference!
It is exciting when a church member can share stories of the early days and celebrate how the church matured, developed, and grew.
2. Create an Inviting Atmosphere
It is unfortunate but true that we are a consumer-driven society, and people are naturally drawn to an aesthetically appealing environment.
People like to be proud of where they worship, so it is important to provide an environment that is comfortable, clean, and orderly.
Paying attention to things like clean, stocked restrooms, clean glass surfaces, and freshly vacuumed carpeting can go a long way in creating a comfortable atmosphere for members and guests.
3. Create a Welcoming Experience
There are not many things as awkward as a church visitor being ignored or overwhelmed with attention.
Everyone wants to be greeted, but not everyone is comfortable being inundated with unwelcome attention.
Remember that most people visiting a church are looking for something – time with God.
They might be exploring the Christian faith for the first time or assessing whether the church culture is a good fit.
Regardless, it is important to make the experience as positive as possible.
There is a tender balance between creating a welcoming experience and an awkward one.
But, with socially skilled people and a little training.
4. Care for Church Members
Church members are one of the key customer groups in a church.
Understanding their unique needs and ensuring they are met within the scope of the vision is critical to church growth.
For example, if the church has volunteer opportunities, ensure that the application and communication process are good experiences.

Or if a volunteer is given a job or responsibility, try to make sure they know what is expected of them and have what they need to do their job.
The goal is to provide support for their needs.
Having said that, some people sometimes make unreasonable demands that don’t align with the church’s vision or strategy and can be difficult to deal with.
I had a pastor friend who once said he would respond to this kind of person with “either love me or leave me, but don’t stay here and fight me…”
Some people are unreasonable, and you need to just let them move on.
5. Provide Opportunities to Serve
At the core of all of us is a desire to serve others. Jesus did it, and as Christians, we need to be provided with opportunities to help other people.
So whether serving meals to the less fortunate, organizing mission trips, or helping others in a time of crisis, opportunities to serve offer members the chance to use their gifts to help God’s people.
A well-defined strategic plan can help identify the kinds of service opportunities that support the church’s vision.
6. Proper Management of Church Resources
There needs to be good oversight and management of God’s money!
God provides financial resources to churches, and a responsibility comes with managing those resources.
Churches that are good stewards of ministry funds and diligent with their budgeting processes are better prepared financially for the needs of expanding facilities, updating equipment, and other necessities of operating a church.
God’s money is the most important money in the world, so manage it well!
Being a good steward of ministry funds is an important responsibility of the call.
7. Embrace The New Normal
Church has changed drastically since March of 2020.
Churches scrambled to facilitate streaming services during the peak of the shutdown.
Embrace this new normal and find ways to engage with these members.
For instance, assign someone to engage with members during a streaming service. Provide volunteer opportunities in the digital world.
Consider this new era of the online church as an opportunity to reach more people.
Use your social networks and YouTube channel to share encouraging messages of hope.
COVID has changed the church forever, so embrace this new normal and find creative ways to engage with those who may never step foot in your church.
8. Enjoy the Ride
Whether you are a senior pastor, a business administrator, or a church secretary, the call should be enjoyable, fulfilling, and balanced.
Spending time with God fuels the call and the anointing to do what is needed in a church.
I have a quote written in the back of my bible that says, “Don’t get so caught up in the ministry of the Lord that we forget the Lord of the Ministry.”
If God called you into ministry, don’t take that call lightly. Spend time with Him, and He will instruct you in the way you should go!
If you take that instruction, write the vision down, and map out a plan to get there – biblical church growth is inevitable!
Learn more about managing your church by enrolling in our Fundamentals of Church Administration Course.