I recently spoke to someone who told me a very sad story about how their church had to let a […]
Is It Important To Do An Exit Interview?
Churches employ people to help them fulfill their mission. These valuable contributors make the church happen! Most organizations understand the […]
What Benefits Do Church Employees Receive?
Providing generous benefits for church employees is part of a strategy that is used to attract and retain key employees. Benefits […]
Do Your Employees Call in Sick, When They’re Not?
Those of us who have been in the workforce for a while can probably name a time or two when […]
3 Things Your Sick Leave Policy Should Include
I recently had a reader ask about a sick leave policy. This reader had a church employee who was unexpectedly […]
4 Employee Documentation Mistakes Managers Make
Churches are unique in that members fund the mission, volunteers are the free labor, and employees facilitate the process. These […]