Many churches continue to see members attend online streaming services. While some would call this concerning, it might be a good time to figure out how to engage this virtual audience.
10 Points To Include In A Church Membership Class
Churches love getting visitors because they know that visitors are potential members. However, visitors need help taking that step toward membership. […]
Music Copyright Law – Is Your Church Compliant?
Churches exist to help, encourage, and develop people in their Christian walk. Who would ever think that churches need to […]
Does Your Church Carry Debt?
I recently visited a church while traveling and was intrigued that they were part of a new trend of churches […]
12 Things This Church Plant Does Well
Because of what I do, I love to visit new churches and take the opportunity to learn from them. I worked on […]
10 FREE (or Almost Free) Resources For Churches
Overseeing the operation of a ministry requires many business processes. Some of these processes can and should be kept in-house, […]